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  • +44 7 538 567 220

Why Need A Website?

Just like your identity card, your website is your identity on the internet. It opens opportunities to help you gain exposure, reach out to your potential customers, or bring an idea to light.

Can't I Use Social Media Instead?

It all goes back to how serious you are about your business or idea. Social media is very good to gather feedback from your future potential clients. But you need a website to show your clients or connections how serious you are, and that you are open for business.

Why Not Try And Build A Website Myself?

The Layout and theme of a website or how it looks like is the tip of the ice berg. There is too much work involved underneath the surface to build high quality performing websites. Things like page speed, loading time, simplicity, S.E.O optimized to help rank fast on google, traffic funneling, back-links, security, hosting, https certificates, Anti attacks, etc etc.. And so it takes years of experience and knowledge to achieve such a goal. That is why we’ve founded CatchDesign. We can take all that hassle away for the price of a daily cup of coffee.

How to gain more followers?

You might’ve tried posting daily, professionally, following people and liking their photos hoping they like and follow you back. and still stuck with a very humble number of followers. Social Media platform has algorithm, and in order for you to understand how that algorithm works you must play by their rules. It can be as simple as starting a paid campaign..!

Can I advertise my brand using Social Media?

Ofcourse, that’s the pro’s of Social Media. It can help you achieve more brand awareness and better exposure, and interact live with your potential customers..almost for free!

Should I start with Instagram, Facebook, twitter or Youtube?

The answer varies from business to business. It depends on many factors, such as the type of service you provide, its potential customers, demographic, the market on which it’ll be presented, its niche, etc etc. Sometimes starting a youtube page is better than an instagram page at first, or visa versa, and sometimes starting them simultaneously is the way to go. We help kick start your social media today, give us a shout!

Why Branding?

“Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room” Jeff Bezos. Every human being has values, life style, and personal taste. So should a business/brand. Successful businesses are those who’re able to match their values and principles to customer’s values and principles. The result is a loyal customer, a better paying customer.

Is Branding linked To Business Growth?

Ofcourse, A good branding can do to a business what Nitrogen does to race car. Never underestimate the power of branding, and the value that brings to the business and the awareness it creates. Why not start today with something as a simple as a logo with us?

I'll Wait On Branding, I'll do it later?!

If it’s because you’re out of time and you want to get that service or product out there on the market, then find time, because you’d be doing a terrible mistake. If it’s because of running on a limited budget and resources, something as simple as a logo can help alot. But never hit the market and get online without an image or at least a logo to resonate with your customers.

Can't I use social media instead of S.E.O?

They all work together, S.E.O most of time reflects your rank on Google search Engine. Working hard on your social media will definitely help bring in more traffic to your website, it will be translated in Google Console as “Referrals” But to rank higher on pages, you must achieve that by generating more organic leads via Google Search. .

What is a Keyword?

A keyword to the search engine is like a bait to a fish. The right bait catches the right finish. The science behind it, and how to optimize it is truly fascinating and tremendously diverse and complex. Keywords are like products, they have value, strength, rank, they even have a price!

Can I Create a Successfull Campaign Myself?

The simple answer: You can do anything you set your mind to. But be prepared to dive in an ocean of new information. There is a learning curve that takes at least 6months to a year if you are a tech guru, if not, definitely more, to be able to understand how it works, the science behind it, and how to monetize a campaign and get the best out of it. Putting yourself on the first page on google takes even more. But you can try! or we can happily do that for you! Your decision .

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