• London,United Kingdom
  • info@catchydesign.uk
  • +44 7 538 567 220
Updated:Jan 5th, 2024

This Terms of Service (the “Terms”) describes the rights and responsibilities that apply to your use of CatchyDesign’s website and services, (collectively, the “Service”), each owned and operated by CatchyDesign Ltd. (“CatchyDesign”, “we”, “our” or “us”). Please read the Terms carefully before using the Service. If you don’t agree to the Terms, as well as or our Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”), you may not use the Service. If you are entering into the Terms on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind such entity to the Terms. If you do not have such authority, you must not accept the Terms or use the Service on behalf of such entity. The Service is only available to you if you have entered the age of majority in your jurisdiction of residence and are fully able and competent to enter into, abide by and comply with the Terms. CatchyDesign Ltd is a digital design firm based in London. Registration Number: 11900705 under specialized design activities. We specialize in website development, branding and graphic design, S.E.O, and social media marketing.


Almost all quality and professional design firms charges a hefty amount of money and request huge down payments to initiate a project such as a professional website. CatchyDesign Ltd waved all those charges and payment to make a professional service available to everyone. CatchyDesign Ltd depends mainly on the recurring monthly subscription it receives from its customers to be able to provide this high quality service at minimal cost.


CatchyDesign Ltd reserves the right to shut down any website for any client created or launched on its platform should the customer decide to stop paying their subscription fee and CatchyDesign Ltd is not accountable for any direct or indirect damages or inconveniences happen to that customer due to shutting down the service.


Customers will receive a reminder 7 days after missing the payment date. The service will be stopped automatically/freezed after 7 days from the date of the reminder should the service remind unpaid. The customer should contact the company directly on billing@catchydesign.uk to bring the service back up again. Charges and fees apply to bring back a website online.


CatchyDesign Ltd pays fees and charges to third party providers to sustain a service and keep a website running efficiently. CatchyDesign ltd will assume that the customer no longer needs their website after 45 days from missing due payment and so to clear space and traffic load and cut down on costs Catchydesign Ltd reserves the right to permanently delete/remove any website or content from its database and online after 45 Days from missing the payment.


The themes or the templates that are featured on CatchyDesign Ltd is a NOT a property of CatchyDesign Ltd. We do NOT sell any of those themes or templates. We as a design firm feature those themes or designs under a basic license to play as a base to determining the taste of our clients and what they want and from there we build it up by inserting our own fixes, images, security bugs and vulnerabilities, S.E.O optimization, hosting to create a fully functional and practical website.


The domain name (if purchased by us), the design of the website-excluding the content/images/videos provided by the customer-and any designs provided by Catchydesign Ltd is a property of CatchyDesign Ltd and the customer is not entitled to using the service on third party providers or servers. Should the customer ask for ownership of the developed website and/or any designs provided under initial package, the customer should contact the company in writing on contact@catchydesign.uk to request ownership and transfer of data/website to a different server.


The customer has the right to claim ownership of any services provided by CatchyDesign Ltd. To claim ownership, the customer must pay CatchyDesign the main chargeable cost which is [ £9000 {website design} + £1000/year (Service&hosting charges) + £800 {Logo Design - if provided} + {Cost of Any extra services provided in the initial proposal} – (the sum of the subscriptions paid and verified from the date of the first payment collected till the date of the submitted ownership request)] + 20%Tax charges.

Example: In 01/01/2021 Mark signed up for the recommended service and got a fully responsive website and logo for his company. His first payment was £99. Mark continued paying for his monthly subscription until 11/09/2022 then for some reason Mark didn’t want to continue with CatchyDesign and requested ownership of the website. In order for CatchyDesign Ltd to hand out all the website material, Mark has to pay the following: 9000 (Website Cost) + £2000 (2 years’ service & hosting charges) + £800 (Logo Cost) – £2,079 (21 monthly paid subscription) = £9,721 + 20% Tax Charges =£11,665 to be paid in one instalment before handing out the website and the material.


Any extra charges paid on conducting google campaigns, advertising campaigns or S.E.O campaigns, or cyber security insurance is not included and does not form part of the sum of subscriptions paid.


Should the customer request ownership, the Customer must pay a tax fee of 20% (mentioned in the example above) on the sum of the money paid to Catchydesign Ltd to provide google campaigns, advertising campaigns or S.E.O campaigns, or cyber security insurance. Reason for that is that Catchydesign Ltd is responsible for paying these taxes to HMRC and Catchydesign Ltd does pay it upfront aiming for a long lasting relationship with the Customer.


Website development initiation and delivery date is set to 7 days and not more than 21 days – In case of any sudden service disrupt or inconvenience- from the time the customer agrees and signs on the presented branding. Branding includes but not limited to: The Logo, Business Cards, Letterheads, Envelops, etc. This is to ensure that customers take their time to decide on the design and the branding and not to limit them to a duration.


Cancelation & Refunds: cancelation is allowed and a full refund is provided if the customer cancels the order within 24hrs from initiation. After that Refunds are not provided in any circumstance and that is because after 24hr the company will start engaging its designers to design, develop, and launch the service. And that costs time and money. For that reason, we are not able to provide any refunds after 24hrs from initiating an order and signing up for a subscription.


The Customer can cancel the subscription at any time by contacting his bank provider and send us a notification on Billing@catchydesign.uk

1. Scope and use of the subscription

The subscription grants the Customer (being the legal entity that has taken out the subscription) the right to use CatchyDesign Ltd services (“the Services”). The subscription may not be used by other people or organizations.

2. Acceptance of the subscription

The subscription terms for the Services are accepted by the Customer by signing the Formal Quote document and SubThe signed Formal Quote and with these terms and conditions will be the “Agreement”.

3. Duration and termination of the subscription

The monthly subscription runs from the date the Customer pays the subscription and renews automatically after 30 days from that date. The subscription will automatically be renewed for another 30 days (One month) unless terminated by the Customer.

The agreement cannot be terminated for a period of subscription already initiated and the Customer will not be entitled to a refund for that subscription period.

The Customer may terminate any subscription free of charge by contacting their payment provider or bank. CatchyDesign Ltd shall (without prejudice to any other rights or remedies it may have) be allowed to terminate the subscription immediately without giving the Customer prior notice if the Services or subscription is misused (including, but not limited to, use by other people or organizations), or if the customer provided false information or content that might in danger the company, or if the Customer refused to pay their payments that are due.

In the event of the Customer filing for bankruptcy, the subscription will be terminated, and all Services will be terminated immediately, unless otherwise specifically agreed in writing between the Parties.

4. Provided content

CatchyDesign Ltd is not responsible in any way shape or form for the content, information, or materials provided by any customer and the Customer is full responsible for the content they provide including copy righted materials, photos, videos, information, contacts, etc..

5. Price and payment terms

The subscription fees and charges are listed in home page under subscription section and under pricing page. CatchyDesign Ltd guarantees that no price increases will be introduced for the Services ordered at the time of commencement of the subscription other than those due to increases in the Retail Price Index or increases introduced by the cloud computing supplier, server providers, or cyber security insurance providers.

Invoicing period runs from the date the Customer places a monthly order and 30 days after that order has been placed.

Payment shall be made within 7 days from the date of invoice. If the subscription is not paid by the due date, a first reminder will be sent to the Customer. If the subscription remains unpaid 7 days after the date of the first reminder, the service will be stopped automatically/freezed and access to the services will be blocked and CatchyDesign Ltd shall be entitled to charge the Customer to bring the service back up again.

The Customer agrees to the use of e-mail (using an e-mail address specified by the Customer) or another electronic method of transmission as the medium for entering into a subscription agreement, sending invoices and reminders.

Payments must be made to Barclays Bank, United Kingdom:

Bank Account: 43381218

Sort Code: 20 – 92 - 63

IBAN: GB07 BUKB20926343381218


Reference should be as follows:

First and Last name initials along with owners username

6. Charges & Fees for re-activating website

Clients are exempts from any fees or charges to bringing the website back up again during the first 14 days from missing their monthly subscription payment date, aka Direct Debit date.

Clients will be charged a Fee of £200 to bringing the website back up again after the first 14 days from missing the monthly subscription date has passed. That’s why its recommended that all clients keep their payment method and balance checked to avoid any disrupt or extra fees or charges.

7. Delivery Date

Starter Package: Websites under the Starter Package will be delivered in 7 to 10 working days and not more than 21days- in case of an unplanned service disrupt – from the time the company officially initiates the deadline on the user’s dashboard.

The initiation of the deadline date/progress bar starts after the company successfully receives the following:

  A) Fully completed form by the customer.

  B) Provided content including (Images & videos)

  C) Branding: Logo

Missed, wrong or in-completed information will result in delivery delays. And the company cannot be held responsible for it.

Professional Package: Websites under Professional Package will be delivered in 7 to 10 working days and not more than 21days- in case of an unplanned service disrupt – from the time the company officially initiating the deadline on the user’s dashboard.

The initiation of the deadline date/progress bar starts after the company successfully receives the following:

  A) Fully completed form by the customer.

  B) Provided content including (Images & videos)

  C) Branding: After the client signs on the final revision

*Missed, wrong or in-completed information will result in delivery delays. And the company cannot be held responsible for it.

*Any additional requests or edits requested over the original selected theme-if approved- will result in extending the delivery time interval.

Branding: There will be no set date or duration for branding phase and customers are free to take their time to decide. Customers will have three revisions of any presented design. There will be extra charges should the customer decide to change or ask for more revisions after the third revision.

Ultimate Package: Websites under Ultimate Package will be delivered in 20 working days and not more than 30days- in case of an unplanned service disrupt – from the time the company officially initiating the deadline on the user’s dashboard.

The initiation of the deadline date/progress bar starts after the company successfully receives the following:

  A) Fully completed form by the customer.

  B) Provided content including (Images & videos)

  C) Branding: After the client signs on the final design revision

*Missed, wrong or in-completed information will result in delivery delays. And the company cannot be held responsible for it.

*Any additional requests or edits requested over the original selected theme-if approved- will result in extending the delivery time interval.

Branding: There will be no set date or duration for branding phase and customers are free to take their time to decide. Customers will have three revisions of any presented design. There will be extra charges should the customer decide to change or ask for more revisions after the third revision.

8. Operating stability

CatchyDesign Ltd aims to provide the highest possible degree of operating stability, but is not responsible for any breakdown caused by factors beyond its control. Such breakdown includes but is not limited to power failures, errors occurring in modem equipment, ADSL connections, telecommunications connections or the like. In all events, CatchyDesign Ltd aims to re-establish normal operations as quickly as possible.

9. Maintenance of the System

Catchydesign Ltd is entitled to make operational changes to the System for improvements and security or otherwise (for example by developing or updating software) without giving the Customer prior notice. In some circumstances, it may be necessary to suspend access to the Services, usually between 9pm and 6am CET. Notice of such a suspension will be given to the Customer in advance. CatchyDesign will not be responsible for any consequences of such a suspension where notice has been given.

10. Rights

The System, the developed website, the provided designs remains a full property of CatchyDesign Ltd until a customer decides to stop subscriptions and claim ownership. CatchyDesign Ltd may at any time transfer its rights and obligations under this agreement to any economic affiliate, subsidiary or business unit, or any of their affiliated companies or divisions. Except as provided above, the rights and obligations under this agreement may not be transferred to any third party without the written consent of the other party.

11. Liability of CatchyDesign Ltd

CatchyDesign Ltd has taken reasonable measures to ensure the total security of the Services it provides, and ensure a 99.9% up time quality and runtime of its servers and hosting but no warranty is given if the Services was disrupted, or the servers went down due to something beyond control and CatchyDesign Ltd shall have no liability in such case.

CatchyDesign shall not be liable to the Customer for any loss or damage caused (including business interruption) arising directly or indirectly, except to the extent that such liability may not be lawfully excluded under the applicable law. Except for death or personal injury caused by negligence of CatchyDesign Ltd, its employees, or authorized representatives, for which no limit applies, CatchyDesign Ltd liability will be limited to the lesser of the value of payments made by the Customer for the period of 12 months before the occurrence of the incident giving rise to the liability or £1,000 (one thousand British pound).

12. Data Processing Agreement, privacy policy and Confidentiality

The Data Processing Agreement in https://catchydesign.uk/privacy-policy is part of the Agreement and sets out contractual provisions to ensure the protection and security of data passed from the Customer and to CatchyDesign for processing.

CatchyDesign has taken the necessary technical and organizational security measures to prevent information saved by the Service from being accidentally or illegally destroyed, lost or wasted and to prevent such information from falling into the hands of any unauthorized party, being misused or otherwise treated in a way contrary CatchyDesign’s privacy policy.

CatchyDesign Ltd is bound by secrecy in respect of any information received about the Customer and will not disclose such information to any third party except where it is required to do so by any court or regulatory authority and then only to the extent necessary.

13. Marketing

CatchyDesign Ltd shall be entitled to refer to the Customer and the Services provided in its marketing, including a brief description of such services.

14. System changes and feature updates

CatchyDesign Ltd informs its users via email about system changes, website updates, and other technical news. Therefore, all registered users accept that they are added to the technical newsletter mailing list.

15. Entire Agreement

These Terms together with the submitted subscription and services contain the entire agreement between the Parties and supersede all previous correspondence or communications whether written or oral. CatchyDesign may amend these Terms as required from time to time provided that CatchyDesign gives Customers 14 days' written notice of such amendments. Any customer having questions or comments on the new changes should write back to Catchydesign within 14 days from receiving the Email of Notice. The customer do have the write to contest a change of terms if they did not respond within 14 Days from receiving the Notification of Changes. All such amendments will apply to the next renewal of the subscription.

16. Account Termination

Catchydesign reserves the right to freeze, suspend, or entirely terminate any account immediately without notice, if the account invaded any of our terms and conditions or policy or put us at risk of actions of any sort from a third party or a foreign entity.

17. Disputes

These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of United Kingdom shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any dispute concerning these Terms or the subject matter of these Terms.